Are you an effective team? This blog outlines the absolute fundamental elements that any competent team needs to ensure smooth operations. It emphasizes the importance of continuous integration, continuous deployment, running effective unit tests, comprehensive code reviews, and the ability to run the system locally. The objective here is not to over-complicate procedures, but to streamline consistent quality through these five basic yet crucial practices which when implemented should mark an effective team. 26 November 2020
Grunt Liquibase Plugin After putting in some work, I've successfully figured out how to create a real grunt plugin. I've discovered that a node module is essentially a node application with a package.json, and with this understanding, setting up became simple. My new plugin can be found at the given link and has straightforward usage. Once installed, the plugin may be activated in your Gruntfile. The plugin's full mechanisms can be found at the mentioned link or at the git project page. 07 February 2014