Sales stats update - 5 or 6 months on the app store Apologies for the radio silence on sales stats for our app, but to be fair, there hasn't been much spark! After the US App Store feature, it was a sliding game down the charts, but still, we average about 10-30 copies daily. We excitedly crossed the 25,000 download mark recently. Oh, and there's a chart you can find below with more deets. A Dutch website brought a brief sales soar, but that's died down now. All told, we've clocked in 25591 paid and 8436 free downloads, the latter gaining a brief spotlight during a celebratory two-week freebie phase. Sure seems... 19 July 2009
Sales stats update - Two months on the app store Another month on the App Store, fellas! Even though our little app met some bumps here and there, it still managed to get quite the spotlight in Europe's 'What we're playing' section, grossing up to 200 daily sales in the UK, 300 globally. Took a hit when we dropped from the featured list, but that was expected, right? Thankfully, other countries picked up the slack! Brought in a new icon and broke into the US market, making a splash in their 'New and Noteworthy' section. Seems like being on the front page or featured list really makes a difference! Despite... 23 April 2009