Raspberry Pi BTLE Device Just wrapped up the first iOSCon hackathon and had a blast tinkering with my Raspberry Pi, turning it into a full-fledged Bluetooth device in sync with an iPhone app. Used node for setting up and Bleno for creating Bluetooth low energy peripherals. Penned down each step for you to replicate, right from writing strings on my LCD to reading temperatures and getting notified of IR remote button clicks. Ran it on an app store or GitHub test application. Also, explored the Core Bluetooth framework for iOS app creation, for reading and writing data to the Raspberry Pi. Let's keep creating... 18 May 2014
Raspberry Pi temperature sensor In just a bit of time, I managed to successfully get my temperature sensor, the DS18B20, up and running on my new Raspberry Pi. My starter kit even included a ready made circuit board for the sensor, making wiring a no-brainer. After following the setup instructions and inputting a few commands, voilà , my temperature readouts were coming in loud and clear. Ready to tinker around and perhaps even move the connection pin if needed. 06 May 2014