Connecting PSQL and Rails Console to Elastic Beanstalk In this post, we explore a solution to the challenge of running the Rails console against a PostgreSQL database housed in a private subnet for security reasons. While it's a good security practice, it can limit access for bootstrapping users or debugging issues. By tunnelling through a Bastion server, we can establish a connection to the database as if it was running locally. We walk through code examples of SSH tunneling, database connection, and how to run Rails console. A key point is to ensure the Bastion server is shut down after use. 21 May 2017
.Net Core and PostgreSQL on the Mac In this blog post, we look at how to connect .NET Core's Web API with PostgreSQL on a Mac platform. We go through step-by-step instructions including setting up a new .NET project and creating a Web API, installing and using dotnet command line, installing required packages, setting up a PostgreSQL database, configuring the .csproj file, creating and integrating a database connection, and defining test entities and required methods for our API. The post also guides through the process of using the API to create, retrieve, and delete database entries. Overall, it shows how Microsoft is making strides in allowing cross-platform... 14 May 2017
Step 7: Action Cable on Elastic Beanstalk This blog provides detailed steps and configurations on setting up an application using Action Cable feature in Rails 5. It talks about setting up proper environment for the application to run and includes using both PostgreSQL and Redis as backend services for the ActionCable. The blog also shares troubleshooting commands in case of any issues encountered during the setup. Built on top of WebSockets, Action Cable was first announced at RailsConf 2015 and now a substantial part of Rails 5 providing real time communication with backend server. 11 May 2017
Step 4: Deploy Rails App To Elastic Beanstalk from Command Line This post guides you through the essential steps of creating and deploying a Rails application into Elastic Beanstalk environment. Topics include creating an AWS user, configuring AWS CLI for deployment, and setting up the environment variables for your app. Also, it provides you the valuable knowledge of connecting your Rails app to RDS instance and ensuring it successfully connects with the dev database. 07 May 2017