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Build your own DIY e-Reader with an ESP32, an e-paper display, and some simple coding. This project decodes ePUB files, parses HTML files, and renders texts and images on an e-paper display, while optimizing battery usage.

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[0:00] Hey everyone I’ve been working on a new project with an e-paper display, it’s a DIY e-Reader.
[0:06] It’s got an SD Card to hold the books - so it’s quite easy to add new ones and you can hold an awful

[0:11] lot of books on it. There’s a simple UI to navigate through the files and we can open a book and read

[0:16] it. I’ve built mine around a 4.7-inch e-paper display from LilyGo but you should be able to

[0:21] get the software up and running on any ESP32 based e-paper board - provided it has PSRAM built-in and

[0:27] a way to connect an SD Card. Lots of boards come with an SD Card reader but, if yours is missing one

[0:32] then you can easily connect one using SPI following the instructions in this video. I’ve put

[0:37] a link in the description. You’ll also need three buttons for navigation. We need UP, DOWN and SELECT.
[0:44] The code is pretty flexible, so these can be defined as either active low or active high

[0:49] depending on your board and your wiring. We’ll run through how this all works after this quick thanks

[0:53] to PCBWay for sponsoring the channel. They’ve been supporting me for a while now and they’ve

[0:58] been really helpful. I’ve made quite a few boards with them and the service has always been great.
[1:03] They also do CNC and 3D printing which we’ll be trying out in some future videos. Check out the

[1:08] link in the description. So how does it all work? Well let’s start off with a quick rough overview

[1:14] of the ePUB format. This is a free and open format for eBooks that is compatible with most popular

[1:20] eBook readers. This means there are a lot of free books available that you can download and read.

[1:25] Now, I’ve only investigated the format sufficiently to get a basic reader up and running but there

[1:30] is a detailed spec with a lot more information online. If we look at the first few bytes of an

[1:35] ePUB file we can see that it’s actually a ZIP archive. We can easily change the extension of

[1:40] the file to zip and then decompress it using unzip to see what’s inside. The most interesting file is

[1:46] the content.opf file this XML file contains three sections that are of interest to us. The metadata

[1:53] section contains useful information such as the title of the book along with the content to use

[1:58] for the cover page image. The manifest contains a list of all the items contained in the ePUB file

[2:04] and finally, the spine section lists the items in the order they should be displayed to the reader.
[2:09] There is some other useful information but for a basic e-reader, we can safely ignore it.

[2:14] If we look at the individual items that make up the book, we can see that we have some images

[2:19] and some HTML files. Now the ePUB specification dictates that the HTML files should all be valid

[2:25] XHTML - this will come in handy later when we try to parse them. So there are several challenges to solve:
[2:32] we need to get some ePUB files onto our device, we need a ZIP library that will run on the ESP32 and

[2:38] let us read files from the ePUB archive, we need to parse the content.opf file using an XML parser

[2:45] and finally, we need to take the XHTML items parse them and lay them out so they can be rendered on

[2:51] the e-paper display. To make the first part simple I’ve attached an SD Card to the board.

[2:57] This is a slightly hacked together contraption there is an official adapter for the LilyGo board,
[3:02] but using what we’ve learned in the previous video I’ve got an SD Card attached to some spare

[3:06] GPIO pins. Unfortunately, these are the only spare GPIO pins on the board so we can’t use

[3:12] the touchscreen interface but, this is probably a good thing as buttons mean we can take advantage

[3:17] of deep sleep and save battery power. With a bunch of ePUB files copied onto the SD Card it’s pretty

[3:23] straightforward to list the contents using a couple of C functions. We can filter out the ePUB

[3:27] files by checking the extension and ignore any hidden files that start with a dot. Now there is

[3:32] a nasty gotcha here for the unwary by default the file system code in the ESP-IDF doesn’t

[3:38] support long file names. So you need to enable this option using menuconfig. If you don’t do this then

[3:44] you’ll end up with some very weird and wacky names showing up when you list the directory contents.
[3:49] With the list of ePUB file names collected, we need to open them up and parse the content.opf

[3:55] file. There’s a nice library we can use called miniz which will read ZIP archives. I’ve encapsulated

[4:01] this in a very simple wrapper that will either extract files to memory or extract them to a file

[4:06] on the SD Card. To extract the contents.opf file we just use these couple of lines. The file we’re

[4:12] extracting is generally quite small so we can extract it to memory without any problems. To parse

[4:17] the XML file I’m using a library called TinyXML2 this is a nice C++ library that is lightweight

[4:24] and works really nicely on the ESP32. With the XML parsed it’s quite simple to extract out the

[4:29] information we need about the book. We can get the title and we can get the item that should be used

[4:33] for the cover image. We use this to drive our book selection UI. To process the manifest and spine

[4:40] we first read in the items from the manifest and create a map from the ID of the item to the item

[4:45] path in the ZIP archive. We then run through the spine and collect the items in the required order.

[4:51] So that’s our ePUB structure pretty much parsed. We now have enough information to show a list of

[4:55] books with a thumbnail and title and for each book we know what order to render the HTML files in

[5:01] This leads us nicely onto the next problem we need to parse and render the HTML and CSS files.
[5:08] Doing this properly on an ESP32 would be pretty difficult even with the extra PSRAM.

[5:14] So, we will need to cheat slightly. Electronic books don’t really have that much styling

[5:19] so we can pretty much ignore the CSS files. They’re also designed to be displayed on various different

[5:24] devices and screen resolutions - so the structure of the HTML tends to be fairly straightforward.

[5:30] We’re really only interested in a few HTML tags. We’re looking for headers, divs and paragraph tags.

[5:37] We’ll treat these tags as containing blocks of text. We also want to pick up bold and italic text

[5:42] to get some formatting and we also want the image tags so we can show the inline images in the book.
[5:48] Since we know that we’ll be getting valid XHTML we can use the TinyXML2 parser on the files.

[5:55] We parse the XML and then we visit each tag in the document picking up any opening tags that

[6:01] are of interest to us. If we see a new block tag then we start collecting text making sure we flag

[6:07] any sections that are bold or italic. We do this until we hit the end of the block tag. If we hit

[6:13] an image tag then we end the current block, add the image, and then create a new block. At the end of

[6:18] this processing we have a list of text and image blocks in the order they appear in the HTML file.

[6:24] We now need to fit these to the width of our display and calculate the height of each block so

[6:28] we can work out where the page breaks should be. For images this is pretty simple: we get the dimensions

[6:34] of the image and then scale them so they fit within the screen bounds. For the text blocks, it’s

[6:39] a bit more complicated - we need to layout the text so it fits nicely within the width of the screen.

[6:45] We need to work out where the line breaks should be. There’s a very nice dynamic programming

[6:49] way of doing this that should ensure we end up with nicely laid out text without huge gaps or

[6:54] really tiny gaps. You can watch a really interesting talk on dynamic programming here that

[6:59] I have linked to in the description that describes the algorithm in detail. With our text blocks

[7:04] broken into individual lines and our image heights all calculated we can now simply assign the lines

[7:09] of text and images to pages. We start assigning text and images to a page and when we run out

[7:14] of space, we just start a new page. When it comes to rendering the pages it’s now pretty simple.

[7:20] We just draw the images and the words where they’ve been laid out. All the heavy lifting

[7:24] has already been done so our rendering is easy. To make the device portable I’ve got a battery

[7:29] attached and the code goes into deep sleep after 30 seconds of user inactivity. I’ve got a video

[7:34] that dives into deep sleep that’s definitely worth watching. All the code is on GitHub there’s

[7:38] huge scope for improving what’s there the project is by no means done and still needs a

[7:44] considerable amount of work. So please contribute if you’ve got an ESP32 and an e-paper display

[7:49] then let me know if you get it to work. I’m really excited to see what can be done. Good luck!

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Chris Greening

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A collection of slightly mad projects, instructive/educational videos, and generally interesting stuff. Building projects around the Arduino and ESP32 platforms - we'll be exploring AI, Computer Vision, Audio, 3D Printing - it may get a bit eclectic...

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