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Learn how to design and build a custom game controller using 3D printing, Fusion 360, and ESP32 components in this step-by-step guide.

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[0:02] hey everyone
[0:03] it’s a quick 3d printing project for
[0:05] this video
[0:06] i’m writing a little game to run on my
[0:08] esp32
[0:09] and want to have a nice game controller
[0:12] i’m going to have a rotary control
[0:15] and four buttons let’s jump into fusion
[0:18] 360
[0:19] and get designing
[0:22] as always we’ll start off with a sketch
[0:25] i’ll add the two circles that will form
[0:26] the main shape of the controller
[0:28] and then the four holes for the buttons
[0:31] i’ve already measured the diameter
[0:32] required for these at 24.4 millimeters
[0:36] i want to arrange these in a symmetric
[0:38] pattern which i can do with some
[0:40] construction lines and constraints
[0:54] i’ll add a constraint to make sure there
[0:55] is some margin between the buttons
[0:57] and the edge of the controller and
[0:59] another constraint to keep a margin
[1:01] between the buttons
[1:05] we’ll also need a hole for the rotary
[1:07] encoder shaft
[1:09] and i’ll make a circle for the knob
[1:13] we’ll add a dimension to keep the two
[1:15] main circles separated
[1:18] and finally to give us a nice curve
[1:20] we’ll chop out the overlapping parts of
[1:22] the circle
[1:23] and fill it the corners
[1:26] we can now extrude the top of the
[1:28] controller and start adding in the
[1:30] buttons
[1:31] and encoder i’ll add the four buttons
[1:34] and the rotary encoder and now i’ll use
[1:38] joints
[1:38] to assemble them into the holes
[1:55] i’ll need to go back and modify the hole
[1:57] for the shaft to fit the screw through
[2:00] and i’ll also add a small collar to
[2:01] support the encoder
[2:08] with that done we can extrude the size
[2:10] of the controller
[2:11] i’m going to flatten the tabs of the
[2:13] buttons so we don’t need to make the
[2:15] controller
[2:15] overly deep and now we can extrude the
[2:19] bottom
[2:19] to close our object up
[2:23] i’ll set the appearance of the object to
[2:24] black plastic since that’s what i’ll be
[2:26] printing
[2:28] and now i’m adding a bevel to the edges
[2:31] to make it slightly more comfortable to
[2:32] hold
[2:34] we’ll need to split the case into two
[2:36] parts so we can get the components
[2:37] inside
[2:39] and i’ll also be doing this as a
[2:40] friction fit
[2:42] so i’ll add a lip to the bottom and to
[2:44] the top of the case
[2:55] i’ll just uh rearrange the split body
[2:57] position
[2:58] to make it more central and finally
[3:01] we need to make a hole for the wires to
[3:03] come out
[3:07] that’s our controller pretty much
[3:08] finished we’ll get it printed
[3:11] and try it out
[3:14] the switches simply clip into the holes
[3:27] and the rotary encoder just bolts on
[3:30] i’ve printed a large knob for the
[3:32] encoder and i’ve wired everything up
[3:39] it seems to work pretty well thanks for
[3:42] watching
[3:43] i’ve got an interesting project i’m
[3:44] building towards so don’t forget to
[3:57] subscribe

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Chris Greening

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A collection of slightly mad projects, instructive/educational videos, and generally interesting stuff. Building projects around the Arduino and ESP32 platforms - we'll be exploring AI, Computer Vision, Audio, 3D Printing - it may get a bit eclectic...

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