🌈 ESP32-S3 Rainbow: ZX Spectrum Emulator Board! Get it on Crowd Supply →
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Take a peek at how my ESP 32 ZX Spectrum project is coming along! We're funded on Crowd Supply, ordering components, and adding a cool silk screen design to our PCB. Using tools like KiCad and Affinity Designer, I've jazzed up the back of the board with detailed graphics. It's been an exciting journey, making adjustments and ensuring everything works perfectly before ramping up production. If you haven't yet, head over to Crowd Supply and support the ESP 32 Rainbow project!

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[0:00] look at this thing of beauty I do love a
[0:02] nice bit of silk screen so my ESP 32 ZX
[0:05] Spectrum project is fully funded on
[0:07] crowd Supply and I’ve started ordering
[0:09] components so I’ve done a massive order
[0:11] for displays so each layer of this has
[0:14] 10 displays and there’s five layers so
[0:16] that’s 50 displays and I got another
[0:18] three boxes so what I wanted to do was
[0:21] make sure these displays actually work
[0:23] with the current pcbs and they do really
[0:26] nicely so it’s now time to do another
[0:27] bulk order of pcbs as I’ll be using PCB
[0:31] way for the um pcbs and assembly they’ve
[0:33] worked really well can recommend them
[0:35] check out the link in the description
[0:37] they’re on great job on all the
[0:38] prototypes but before doing this B order
[0:41] I wanted to make a couple of tweaks one
[0:43] of the things that has occurred to me is
[0:45] that we have this lovely full color silk
[0:46] screen on the front of the board but
[0:49] pretty much nothing on the back this
[0:51] feels like a bit of a waste of real
[0:53] estate so I’ve designed some nice
[0:54] digital information to fill this space
[0:57] it is surprisingly easy to get quite
[0:59] detailed so screen into key CAD so you
[1:01] can see I’ve got quite a nice one for my
[1:04] speaker here which shows you where to
[1:06] place the speaker now you can of course
[1:08] use the uh Graphics tools built into key
[1:10] CAD we have lines arcs squares circles
[1:13] polygons and text but it’s not the
[1:16] easiest thing to use so I much rather
[1:18] use a um Graphics design tool so as I
[1:21] say this is reasonably straightforward
[1:23] but there are a few wrinkles to be aware
[1:25] of so I want to go through my process
[1:27] just to document it mostly for myself to
[1:29] be honest so I’m using my design tool
[1:31] it’s called Affinity designer now
[1:33] there’s a few interesting things so when
[1:35] we do a new document now I know that my
[1:38] um my ESB 32 board is 233 mm x 144 now
[1:44] most design software will have something
[1:46] called a DPI so that’s dots per inch so
[1:48] what we can do is we can use this dots
[1:50] per inch and we can use the size that we
[1:52] want to work out how many pixels to end
[1:54] up with so if we do um 233 millimet in
[1:59] inches
[2:01] and you can see that’s 9.17 in so if we
[2:05] do
[2:07] 9.17 time 300 you’ll see that it will
[2:10] end up with a document of around 2,700
[2:13] pixels so obviously my design software
[2:15] is paid for and quite expensive but they
[2:18] are some really nice open source
[2:19] software uh one of them is photopia now
[2:22] you can see in the setup for this it
[2:24] also lets us specify millimeters so we
[2:26] could do the same thing so 2 3 3 by 144
[2:32] now you see here it’s only using 72 DPI
[2:35] now that’s pretty good for displaying
[2:37] things on the screen and it’s probably
[2:39] okay for silk screen to be honest but
[2:41] you can just bump this up to 300 dots
[2:43] per inch and you can see it’s adjusted
[2:45] our width and height so we’ll put those
[2:47] back to what we want so another popular
[2:50] tool is inkscape so in here you create a
[2:52] new document and then you go file
[2:55] document properties and here you can
[2:57] specify the size of millimeters as well
[2:59] so we can do
[3:01] 233 by
[3:03] 1
[3:06] 144 and then when we export we’ll set
[3:09] the dots per inch for this or you can go
[3:11] over
[3:12] here and we can set the DPI here I’m
[3:16] going to stick with my nice design tool
[3:18] so what I’ve got here i’ got a nice bit
[3:20] of text and some description I’ve done
[3:22] all the gpio pins so it’ll be very easy
[3:24] as a quick reference to see what’s going
[3:25] on there’s a QR code so we can jump
[3:28] straight to the a speed to Rainbow site
[3:30] and done a quick sort of sketch of the
[3:33] board and all of the uh connectors so
[3:35] the speaker headphone expansion Port
[3:38] quick connectors
[3:39] USBC um another quick connector the SD
[3:42] card just so you can flip the board over
[3:44] and have a quick reference to see what
[3:46] um what the board actually does so I’ve
[3:48] exported this to a PNG and we’ll jump
[3:50] into key Cad and load it up so over in
[3:53] key CAD what we do is we click on the
[3:56] image converter so this converts bitmat
[3:58] images to schematic symbols or PCB
[4:00] Footprints so we click on that and it
[4:03] opens up now we can load in our source
[4:05] image so if I load in my silk screen
[4:08] image then you can see it’s been pulled
[4:10] in and it looks pretty good now what’s
[4:13] interesting is obviously in key CAD silk
[4:16] screen can only have black or white so
[4:18] it can’t do Shades of Gray now if we
[4:21] slide this slider you can see a slightly
[4:23] interesting effect you can see that our
[4:26] lines in our text get thinner and
[4:28] thicker depending on where we put this
[4:30] black and white threshold now we don’t
[4:33] really want that to happen ideally I
[4:35] want something wizzywig so what’s going
[4:37] on well let’s have a look at the image
[4:39] so here’s my silk screen that I’ve
[4:42] exported now what you can see if we zoom
[4:46] in really closely you can see that there
[4:48] are actually Shades of Gray in this
[4:50] image so what’s happening is my Graphics
[4:52] tool it’s using anti-aliasing to make
[4:55] this display nicely now the problem with
[4:57] that is it means we don’t have exactly
[4:59] what we see on the screen because you
[5:00] see here as a line it’s done some
[5:02] anti-alias in because this isn’t exactly
[5:04] on the pixel boundary so what I can do
[5:07] in my tool and other tools will be able
[5:09] to do this is I can select everything
[5:12] and then I can choose not to anti-alias
[5:14] so I can force off which is what I’ve
[5:16] done here now if I export the image now
[5:19] and we take a look at it so let’s open
[5:22] up this version which has the
[5:24] anti-aliasing switched off and then we
[5:27] zoom in and you can see that all we have
[5:30] are black or white pixels now if we go
[5:33] back to key Cad and if we replace the
[5:37] image I loaded with the version without
[5:40] aliasing so back silt screen no anti-
[5:43] Alias then you can see now this slider
[5:46] has no effect so we’re getting exactly
[5:49] what we see in our Graphics tool on the
[5:51] screen here now you can see up here that
[5:54] the dots per inch has been pulled in so
[5:56] it knows it’s 300 dots per inch and
[5:59] that’s how it works out what the size
[6:00] should be now you can actually modify
[6:03] all of this so you can go and change the
[6:04] DPI this is really handy if you’ve
[6:07] downloaded an image of the internet
[6:08] that’s not 300 DPI or it’s a different
[6:11] width and height and you want to adjust
[6:13] it so you can modify all of this stuff
[6:15] but I’ll leave mine in millimeters and
[6:18] um we’ve got our nice image so what we
[6:20] do now is we just do export to clipboard
[6:24] you can export to file and create a
[6:25] footprint but I find it faster just to
[6:28] export to clipboard now if we go to key
[6:30] Cad and we open up our PCB so here’s our
[6:34] PCB display we can just paste this in I
[6:38] need to flip it to put it on the back of
[6:40] the silt screen and then we place
[6:43] it where we want it so I want it around
[6:45] about here and then the only thing you
[6:48] have to remember to do is if you look
[6:50] closely here there’s this um reference
[6:53] for the silt screen so we double click
[6:55] on that and we make it not visible
[6:58] otherwise it will show up on our design
[7:01] so that’s now got our silt screen in and
[7:03] I think the best way to preview this is
[7:05] normally to go into a 3D viewer so if we
[7:08] open up the 3D
[7:17] viewer and we just position it so it’s
[7:19] in the right place come on key CAD
[7:21] behave you’re making me look
[7:28] silly so there we have our front and if
[7:31] we flip over we now have the nice back
[7:34] of our silk screen so that’s looking
[7:37] pretty good so this is all ready to
[7:40] actually um send off to PCB way so I
[7:43] need to order around 300 boards so
[7:46] that’s why I really wanted to make sure
[7:48] the display was going to work because I
[7:50] didn’t want 300 displays and 300 boards
[7:53] that didn’t work but I think we’re
[7:54] pretty good to go now so uh yeah very
[7:57] exciting on the ESB 32 rainbow front if
[8:01] you haven’t ordered it already why not
[8:02] go over to crowd Supply and place an
[8:04] order uh every little helps um there
[8:07] should be a great Fed so thanks for
[8:09] watching and I hope that was useful

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Chris Greening

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A collection of slightly mad projects, instructive/educational videos, and generally interesting stuff. Building projects around the Arduino and ESP32 platforms - we'll be exploring AI, Computer Vision, Audio, 3D Printing - it may get a bit eclectic...

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